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If you are getting a meat thermometer for the first time, it might be intimidating, to say the least! However, since these thermometers are crucial to good meals and your overall health, it only makes sense you get them. With the right thermometer in place, you can cook better and more flavorful meals without compromising on your or your loved ones’ health. But how exactly do these thermometers work and how do you use meat thermometers for every type of meat? Also, what are the different types of meat thermometers and what benefits do they come with? Well, that’s what we are about to find out in the following sections.

Types of Meat Thermometers

Meat thermometers

Come in all shapes and sizes and as you already know, in addition to safeguarding your health, they also improve the flavor profile of your food. As of now, we can broadly categorize them into three major types, namely:

Digital Meat Thermometers

These are the first and probably the most basic types of a meat thermometer. They respond reasonably well. However, they are still not as fast as your thermocouple. You can insert a digital thermometer right inside the meat for taking the right measurement. Since they are extremely affordable and easy to operate, several individuals prefer getting them. With that said, do note that you cannot leave the thermometers in your pan/pot/cooking vessel while you are cooking.


This is one of the best and the most viable options when it comes to meat thermometers. Not only are they sleek, but they are also extremely fast. Thermocouples are extremely thin, and you can easily insert them in both dense and tiny meat pieces. In fact, putting these gadgets inside the meat is so simple that it will barely take you a few seconds. Almost all of these devices can be inserted around 0.25 to 0.30 inches deep to assess the state of doneness.

The downside? Unlike digital thermometers, these are quite expensive. What’s more, they also aren’t suitable to be kept in the meat while it is still cooking in the vessel.

Bluetooth Thermometers

Affordable and easy to manage, you would want to use these thermometers to monitor both big and small chunks of meat. As evident from the name, monitoring will be faster and easier and in real-time, as you can access that in your Bluetooth-powered device. You can also leave this in the meat while the meat is still in your cooking vessel. Since it is Bluetooth-powered, you will have an idea about just the right moment to turn it off.

How to use meat thermometers for every type of meat

How to use meat thermometer

If you ever wondered how to use meat thermometers to measure meat temperature, you are not alone. So, in this section, we will clarify all your doubts and inform you all about the right temperature. Below, you will find the steps to using your meat thermometer correctly.

1.Test The Device

Before anything else, you need to test the device. You can do this by putting it in ice water and waiting for around 20 seconds until you get a reading. You will know that the thermometer is up and ready to be used when the display shows, or your Bluetooth device displays 32 degrees Fahrenheit. In case it doesn’t reach this temperature, you might have to recalibrate the device.

2. Check the temp as you cook

Constantly getting your cooking vessel out to measure the temperature  may cause your meat to be cooked incorrectly. The temperature readings might also be inaccurate. To avoid this, leave the thermometer in the meat as you cook it.

3. Insert it in the thickest area of the meat

If you are looking to measure the temperature of a huge chunk of meat, it is best to insert it right at the thickest area. Make sure to avoid bones, grizzles, fatty areas, and the likes. Next, allow the device to rest in your meat for at least 10 seconds. The temperature will now register immediately. The center of your meet should mandatorily meet the required minimum temperature because the same has been stipulated by the CDC.

4. Read It Correctly

Once you’re done checking the temperature on the meat, read the number displayed on the device’s screen to understand the doneness of your meal. In case you are using an analog variant, check the small hand right at the dial of the screen. In case your food hasn’t achieved the required doneness, continue to cook it until it does.

5. Required Temperature for Meat

  • Pork chops and sausage: An internal temperature of 145 degrees F
  • Chicken breast, thigh, and cutlet: An internal temperature of 145 degrees F
  • Beef steaks: An internal temperature of 145 degrees F
  • Fish: An internal temperature of 145 degrees F
Best Food Thermometer for every type of meat


Whether you are whipping up a meal for yourself or feeding the entire family, it is crucial to follow the right safety guidelines while managing the meals. And this is exactly where a good meat thermometer comes to play. This handy little kitchen gadget helps you cook your steaks, fish, chicken thighs, and chops to perfection. Thanks to its accurate measurement, now you are left with neither overcooked nor undercooked food. When choosing your meat thermometer, make sure to choose the right one from your options. If you cook light meals that can be handled without the meat thermometer in your cooking pot, go for the digital thermometer. If, however, you are a more extravagant cook who cooks heavy meals and plenty of meat, you might go for either the Bluetooth-operated option or the thermocouple. Finally, always follow the right guidelines while handling your meat and using the thermometer. Since we covered most of the important details in this article, we are sure you will have an easy time navigating through it. So, how often do you plan to use your meat thermometer? what thermometer have you chosen? Are you looking for more guidelines, news, and tips related to meat thermometers and other kitchen gadgets? If your answers are yes, subscribe to Thermo Pro’s newsletter today!

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